Caramel Breathing

Caramel and taffy
chocolate mint-creams
sticks of sugar-cane she sucked

in her Dunk’n’ Donuts uniform
lips coated
fingers caked in confectionary powders
all day long, she wetted her tongue

til he came,
that acne faced delivery boy,                                                                                                                                    
carrying cartons and cartons of milk
in those Berkeley Farms boxes

nose buried in her thighs
fever flooding,
layers of skim
in her

Oh and the foam, foam, foam
washed white her hair-
was sweeter than chocolate éclairs
was smoother than custard pudding!

Her lips blistered
swelled, peeled,
tender, and sanguineous organ,
breathes sugar for air

Blood, Bone, and Stone, Copyright © 2013 Aria Ligi, Mighty Muse Productions